Ella, I have missed to visit your site for a week or two, and after seeing all the pictures, I must say that I like you post b/w pictures. They somehow tend to show the spect of dance and body curves more vividly than the colored pictures.
Hmmm, hard put to choose between this one and the coloured version - her movement is so fluid, and the colours is great in both...
5 Mar 2007 12:09am
Ken McCoyfrom Orlando-Daytona Beach, FL, United States
Have you thought of keying out the color of everything *except* the model? This would be easier to do in this shot if the background color was not so close to skin tones -- but maybe if the background were not so close, the figure would "pop out" more anyway, making the separation unnecessary. In any event, I prefer natural skin tones to black and white, except in cases where black and white makes a clear aesthetic contribution: capturing the wrinkles in an ancient face, for example, or in the case of dancers, where the line/form of movement is more abstract and less personal. Most of your images communicate so much personality of the dancer to me -- and you do this so well -- that I seem to want the "human content" to be realized in color, esp. since Suzanne has such beautiful skin tone.